Guide to Residential Life: Covid-19

Students should visit the Stockton University Coronavirus Information website for the most up to date information regarding the COVID-19 Stockton University response.  

Covid-19 and Public Health-Informed Practices

Stockton University aims to deliver its mission while protecting the health and safety of our students and minimizing the potential spread of disease within our community. As a residential student, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus or similar public health crisis (“COVID”) will impact your housing experience as Stockton continues to make public health-informed decisions. The below policies and guidelines are incorporated into the Guide to Residential Life and are applicable to all residential students. As always, we will endeavor to update you with timely information about specific health and safety guidance important for our residential students.

Covid-19 Health and Safety

We expect that all members of the Stockton community—residents, staff and guests—act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. All residential students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within their residential community and the University may request or require a resident to leave housing if their continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for community members. Residential students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by the University and Residential Life as it relates to public health crises, including COVID. This guidance will evolve as the public health crisis evolves and may include, but is not limited to, social distancing, limitations on mass gatherings, wearing a face covering, COVID diagnostic and surveillance testing (including before or upon arrival to campus), contact tracing, disinfection protocols, limitations on guests into residence halls, and quarantine / isolation requirements (including before or upon arrival to campus). Adherence to health and safety requirements applies to all residents, staff and visitors and extends to all aspects of residential life, including bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer rooms, courtyards and other common spaces.

Quarantine / Isolation / Separation

At any time, the University may request or require a resident to leave the residential campus when that resident’s continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for community members. Residential students are required to comply with requests to leave their assigned space due to COVID or other public health emergency and failure to do so is a violation of the Guide to Residential Life and may subject a student to emergency removal from their assigned space. Not all Stockton University residential rooms or halls are appropriate for self-quarantine or self-isolation; in those situations where a student is recommended to self-quarantine or self-isolate, students may not be permitted to continue residing in their residential space and will be provided alternative housing arrangements as needed. Removal from the residential community to isolate or quarantine does not constitute a termination of a residential student’s housing contract.

De-Densifying Efforts

Residential students may be required to comply with any de-densifying efforts needed on campus due to COVID or other public health emergencies, including, but not limited to, the relocation of all or some residential students to alternative housing. Relocation does not constitute a termination of a residential student’s housing contract.


Common areas and hallways in residential areas, including bathrooms and lounges in Housing 2 and 3, are cleaned five days a week, Monday through Friday.   


Upon reasonable notice, Stockton Residential Life reserves the right to terminate housing contracts due to public health emergency needs, including COVID. In the event Stockton Residential Life terminates housing contracts due to public health concerns, Stockton will offer fair and reasonable reimbursements for impacted students as appropriate and based on information available at that time.

Hold Harmless

You agree to release the University, its agents, and employees from any and all damages, liability, claims, expenses, or loss (collectively, “Claims”) resulting from or arising out of your use of space within University Housing, including those related to the potential exposure to contagious viruses like the coronavirus, and to indemnify and hold harmless the University, its agents, and employees from any Claims resulting from or arising out of your breach of the terms and conditions of your housing contract. You understand that by residing in Stockton University Residence Halls you are assuming the risks associated with communal living and, as in any shared living environment, those risks include potential exposure to contagious viruses, including the coronavirus.

Legal Information

Your Housing Contract is the basic document that states the contractual obligations between you and Stockton University. You are equally responsible for complying with the policies and regulations contained herein, including the COVID-19 and Public-Health Informed Housing Policies Section, as you are for those directly printed on the Housing Contract.