Fellowships for Distinguished Students

The Stockton Board of Trustees Fellowships for Distinguished Students program was established by the Board ofBOT_Logo Trustees in April of 1986.

It supports student-initiated projects of undergraduate research and/or creative work in keeping with the educational philosophy and mission of Stockton University. Fellowship awards in amounts up to $1,000 each are provided semi-annually contingent upon available funds. While fellowships are intended to be utilized during time periods when the college is not in normal academic session (i.e., winter and summer semester breaks), projects that extend into the academic semester will be considered.       

Projects dedicated to social justice, civic engagement activities, and/or experiential learning opportunities or high impact practices will be given priority for funding.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for funds under this program:

  • Enrolled full or part time as an undergraduate student at Stockton during the semesters immediately preceding and the time period in which the funds will be utilized.
  • Successfully completed 32 academic credits prior to funds being utilized.
  • In good academic standing as defined by a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  • Selected a project of a research and/or creative nature that is outside the institutionally mandated senior theses/projects required by some undergraduate degree programs.
  • Selected a project of a type which can be completed within a break period and the semester following the break period, i.e., Winter Break/Spring Semester or Summer Break/Fall Semester.
  • Applied for IRB review and approval for any projects involving human subjects.  IRB approval does not need granted at time application for the Fellowship
  • First-time applicants will be given priority.

Applicants should download all fillable forms, complete them, and email all application materials to BOT-Fellowship@stockton.edu by the application deadline of Monday, October 28th, 2024 for the winter break/spring funding period and Monday, March 31st, 2025 for the summer break/fall funding period.  For more information, please contact Tom Itaas, Associate Director of Academic Achievement Programs, at Tomas.Itaas@stockton.edu.

Previous Fellow Projects 

Exploring Latinx Representation in Education: Taina’s Story

Taina Altagracia-Paris, a senior Literature major from Egg Harbor Township, was one of five students selected to receive a $1,000 stipend to support their projects through Stockton University’s Board of Trustees Fellowship for Distinguished Students in May of 2024.

Her project, titled “Latinx DEI Outreach: Extending Beyond the Classroom into the Community,” explored how Latinx authors and stories are represented in educational curriculums in Atlantic City and Pleasantville. 

“The goal of this project wouldn't have been possible if it weren’t for the Board of Trustees Fellowship. The ideas you have can make a positive change in your community. Although the process of doing this project is quite long and, at times, complex, I think if you have the passion, drive, curiosity and right motivation to do this opportunity, you should apply.” 
Taina Altagracia Paris
Taina Altagracia Paris
Spring 2024

Continue reading to learn more about Taina’s project and how the fellowship empowered her research.

Briefly describe the research project you proposed for the fellowship.

The focus of the project was to conduct research on New Jersey public schools and their book selection processes. This helped me understand the ways Latinx authors and stories could be incorporated into the curriculum to ensure Latinx students feel seen. With the assistance of interviews with various professionals within the field of education in New Jersey, I achieved a better understanding of the regulations and reasonings outlined in my project. 

Photos from Taina's project: a chair with "Paletero Man" and crafts that the students created
Photos courtesy of Altagracia-Paris.

The second portion of my project was community outreach and collaboration with local organizations in Atlantic County, particularly within Atlantic City and Pleasantville, with the intent to cultivate educational and engaging programs for Latinx youth. This included reading and donating copies of a universally beloved book called “Paletero Man” by Mexican-American author Lucky Diaz to elementary-school students in various libraries. Through this, I intended to highlight the lack of Latinx representation and stories in the classroom while actively promoting culturally relevant stories.

How did the fellowship support your research?

This opportunity allowed me to step out of the bounds of a traditional classroom and handle this research through a more hands-on approach. With the assistance of my advisors, I was able to successfully apply the knowledge and efforts gained through this experience and utilize it to educate the Stockton community while empowering and offering educational material to the local Latinx youth.

The fellowship allowed me to seek help from professionals who already had the expertise, passion, skills and established network needed to complete this project.

My advisors, Dr. Merydawilda Colón (executive director of the Stockton Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning) and Dr. Patricia Sagasti Suppes (director of Global Engagement), guided me and offered advice while permitting me to learn on my own. I strongly believe that without this experience I would not have been able to make such a commitment to my community and obtain so many transferable skills.

Taina in the Multicultural Center, holding "Solito"
Altagracia-Paris in the Stockton University Multicultural Center. Photo by Susan Allen. 

I graciously want to thank the Board of Trustees again! I would also like to thank Taylor Coyne (coordinator for Service-Learning) for transporting me to all the organization sites, as well as all the various individuals who helped cultivate this project into what it became: Dr. Kimberley Dickerson, Dr. Claudine Keenan, Dr. Ian Bouie and all of the Stockton professionals who assisted. Thank you to my family and those who supported me.

Why should your peers apply for opportunities like this?

There are several reasons people should be applying for opportunities such as this, including that it can be a tool for strengthening your resume. Alongside that, I believe taking this opportunity will improve your abilities and help you gain foundational skills, whether it be time and project management, speaking, critical thinking, collaboration, leadership, and the list goes on. 

Further, the ideas you have can make a positive change in your community. Although the process of doing this project is quite long and, at times, complex, I think if you have the passion, drive, curiosity and right motivation to do this opportunity, you should apply.