
A unique educational and networking event, the Graduate Research Symposium encourages interdisciplinary exchange, bringing together graduate students from the sciences and humanities. The symposium is an exciting opportunity for current graduate students to showcase the research they have been working hard on throughout their graduate career.

The Office of Graduate Admissions and the William T. Daly School of General Studies encourage prospective students, families, and members of the Stockton community to attend.

Graduate Research Symposium - Spring 2024

Showcasing Graduate Research

Special DPT Showcase

Evaliation of Interprofessional Knowledge and Confidence in Oncology Rehabilitation Seminars in South Africa

Presented by Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Tim Blaney

Monday, April 7, 2025
Outside of Campus Center Meeting Room 4

Poster on Display at 10:00am
Live Presentations 12:00pm-1:00pm

Submit your project today!

The Graduate Research Symposium

Monday, April 28, 2025

Campus Center Event Room

Poster Session and Presentations begin at 4:00pm

Join us during S.T.A.R.S. Celebration Month!

Submit your project here!

Graduate Capstone Projects

MAIT Capstone Expo

Monday, April 28, 2025

Campus Center Meeting Room 5

5:00pm - 6:30pm

Part of the Graduate Research Symposium!

Don't miss the chance to showcase your work!

Presenting research findings in a professional and academic setting provides an invaluable experience that will benefit students in and outside of the classroom long after graduation. The Spring Graduate Research Symposium will take place on Monday, April 28, 2025. The submission form is now open. Click on the blue button below! Please contact Sarah Albertson with questions or concerns or if you need to submit your application after the deadline closes.

UPDATED Poster/Presentation Guidelines

For guidance on how to create a poster or helpful tips for preparing an effective presentation, please visit the following North Carolina State University's website:

Creating Effective Presentations


If your program requires your final paper to be uploaded to ProQuest, please access ProQuest.

See below for current reseach proejcts of students in the DNP Program. Check back for links to their final presentations.  

  • Jeannie Bocchino - Project Advised by Dr. Ruffin
    • PICOT Question:
      • How does routine screening for depression in patients at six-weeks post CABG benefit patients, providers, and the healthcare system?     
  • Amanda Dupras - Project Advised by Dr. Amendolia
    • PICOT Question:
      • In nursing students, how do self-care practices over 30-days affect stress levels?
  • Katharine Flournoy - Project Advised by Dr. Ludan
    • PICOT Question:
      • In emergency departments, what best practices or strategies versus current practice effect left without being seen rates?
  • Krystal Goula - Project Advised by Dr. Green
    • PICOT Question:
      • In cardiac surgery providers, how does the use of an electronic medical prompt versus current practice influence patient depression screening rates?
  • Jamie Sosa - Project Advised by Dr. Scaffidi
    • PICOT Question:
      • In pregnant women, how does transcervical bulb and vaginal misoprostol compared with current practice affect intervention to delivery interval?
  • Samantha Skinner - Project Advised by Dr. Greene
    • PICOT Question:
      • Does monthly screening for depressionof geriatric LTC residents increase the clinical diagnosis of depression over a 3-month period compared with those who are screened for depression quarterly?
  • Maria Pagan-Felice - Project advised by Dr. Luden
    • PICOT Question:
      • Does an outpatient substance abuse treatment center providing HCV tx in conjucntionwith SUD tx in the same location impact healthcare outcomes compared to clients getting HW tx in separate locations?
  • Maryellen Miraglio - Project advised by Dr. Scaffidi
    • PICOT Questions:
      • In adults, how does the use of a QR code compared to current paper state affect hypertension education access?

Distinguished Research Fellowship

Spring 2015 Distinguished Research Fellowship Awardees from Stockton's MSOT program

Spring 2015 Distinguished Research Fellowship Awardees from Stockton's MSOT program along with faculty & staff from the School of Health Sciences provided clinical services and lectures in Bogota, Colombia.

Awards (stipends) are available up to $2000.00 per project to assist graduate students in pursuit of projects of a research and/or creative nature.

Research Criteria

Projects must meet all of the following:

  1. ) will contribute to the evidence based concepts, theories, and/or practice within one's discipline.
  2. ) will result in a peer-reviewed journal article and/or presentation at a professional conference, seminar or workshop on the state, national, or international level.

Application Deadline

  • Fall Funding Cycle: December 1
  • Spring Funding Cycle: March 1

Eligibility Criteria

Students must be enrolled full or part-time as matriculated graduate students at Stockton during a.) the semester immediately preceding, b.) the semester in which funds will be utilized; c.) the semester in which the second half of the funding is paid. Students must be in good academic standing as defined by a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.

Guidelines and Application Procedures

Listing of Prior Recipients

Research / Funding Opportunities

student research

Graduate students are also encouraged to seek funding through the Office of Research and Student Sponsored Programs.

For those opportunities, please visit:

Office of Research and Student Sponsored Programs