Strategic Priorities for FY 2018


Stockton University’s mission is to develop engaged and effective citizens with a commitment to life-long learning and the capacity to adapt to change in a multi-cultural, interdependent world. As a public university, Stockton provides an environment for excellence to a diverse student body, including those from underrepresented populations, through an interdisciplinary approach to liberal arts, sciences and professional education.


Stockton University will thrive as a distinctive regional institution, providing a diverse, values-based, student-centered environment of exceptional teaching and learning.  As a community builder and partner in public service, Stockton University will remain committed to the positive development of New Jersey through scholarship and creative activity, civic engagement, and active stewardship.

Guiding Principle

Students first; vision and strategy follow.


Stockton University embraces a collection of shared values, the essence of our standards for excellence.  These values support our mission and guide our practices and behavioral expectations.

We adhere to the values of:

  • Excellence in Teaching and Dedication to Learning
  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Academic Freedom
  • Integrity and Respect
  • Shared Governance
  • Community Engagement and Civic Responsibility
  • Global Perspectives
  • Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship

For more information, please visit Stockton University’s Mission Statement

Strategic Priority #1

Advance the University’s mission of excellence in teaching and learning, scholarly and creative activity, and dedication to service.

  • Goal 1.1 -  Focus institutional efforts toward student success and prepare a diverse group of students to continue to excel in a rapidly changing world.
  • Goal 1.2 - Expand our footprint in the region and increase our access to offerings.
  • Goal 1.3 - Enhance services to promote quality technology support.

Strategic Priority #2

Develop the academic, human, and financial resources that support the University’s aspiration to be a premier regional educational institution.

  • Goal 2.1 - Review and assess academic organizational structures with a focus on supporting the innovation, impact, and efficiency of Academic Affairs.
  • Goal 2.2 - Integrate the University’s strategic enrollment goals into all aspects of University operations to ensure meeting goals while maintaining excellence.
  • Goal 2.3 - Assess and increase high-impact learning practices.
  • Goal 2.4 - Increase philanthropy and alumni engagement leading to increases in our combined Investment and Foundation Fund Accounts by $6-$8 million per year.
  • Goal 2.5 - Assist the state in developing a rational and equitable funding plan for higher education.
  • Goal 2.6 - Improve bond rating and keep University’s interest rates low.
  • Goal 2.7 - Increase Stockton’s national presence by securing additional major grants (NIH/NSF/NEH) that showcase their research with our students.
  • Goal 2.8 - Develop a written student persistence and retention plan.
  • Goal 2.9 - Adopt innovative technologies and solutions to provide reliable IT infrastructure and facilities.
  • Goal 2.10  - Build and amplify informational awareness of the University’s internal and external constituencies.
  • Goal 2.11 - Position the University as the region’s premier employer in higher education.
  • Goal 2.12 - Integrate the University’s communications, development, talent management, and marketing efforts to formulate a collaborative system of University Advancement.

Strategic Priority #3

Support human diversity and inclusion in all of its forms and in a manner that serves the needs of our region and recognizes our place in a global society.

  • Goal 3.1 - Support diversity efforts throughout the institutional enterprise.
  • Goal 3.2 - Expand contributions to the region’s economic development and cultural offerings through the performing arts, the visual arts, and athletics.

Strategic Priority #4

Develop and support planning and governance processes that are integrative, collaborative, transparent, and sustainable.

  • Goal 4.1 - Develop a new Integrative Strategic Plan.
  • Goal 4.2 - Develop a new Facilities Master Plan.
  • Goal 4.3 - Enhance processes for developing new and/or supporting innovation of academic offerings.
  • Goal 4.4 - Expand the InnovationStockton initiative.
  • Goal 4.5 - Improve Administration & Finance communication and customer service.
  • Goal 4.6 - Strengthen shared governance structures to increase the University's responsiveness and ability to make timely decisions.
  • Goal 4.7 - Establish Strategic Communications & Marketing Committee.

Strategic Priority #5

Improve and expand the University’s internal operational efficiencies.

  • Goal 5.1 - Create a Public Safety Advisory Committee.
  • Goal 5.2 - Initiate a Divisional Technology Equipment Replacement Plan.
  • Goal 5.3 - Provide efficient and effective access to information and technology resources.
  • Goal 5.4 - Enhance protection of institutional and user data.
  • Goal 5.5 - Improve predictive and reporting abilities.
  • Goal 5.6 - Develop and expand technological resources to ensure effective delivery of student support services.
  • Goal 5.7 - Develop and promote Administration & Finance’s operational efficiencies.
  • Goal 5.8 - Defend, protect, and advance the interests of the University