
Workshops are coordinated by FAWN each semester and include a variety of themes to help you attain your writing goals. They are planned so that you can get inspiration, motivation, and support on a Friday, and attend boot camp the next day to make significant progress on your writing. All workshops take place on Zoom (link available on the FAWN Blackboard, or contact us.)

Fall 2024 Workshops

Friday, September 13, 2024, 1-2:30 pm Zoom
Planning for Promotion to Full and/or Sabbatical
Getting ready to (or thinking about) applying for sabbatical or full professor?  This workshop is meant to help you plan your strategy for writing timely and effective applications.  Need specific information on sabbatical applications? Join the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (OSRP) session right after the workshop, 2:30 - 3:30pm.


Friday, October 4, 2024, 1-2:30 pm Zoom
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application Writing
Get the basics about IRB, then write your application with support from IRB and FAWN members. Jump start the writing portion of your application and build confidence with the application writing process.


Friday, November 8, 2024
Setting up for Post-Tenure Success 1-2:30 pm Zoom
You’ve earned tenure!  Hooray! Now what? This workshop will help you think about where you want your academic career to go now and thoughts about how best to get there. We will discuss strategies to succeed in the next phase of your writing life. You will leave with a set of goals that will jump start your post-tenure era (just like Taylor Swift!).

Friday, December 6, 2024, 1-2.30pm Zoom
Calculus of “What Counts” for Tenure, Promotion, and Retention: (for all NTTPs, instructors, visiting faculty, staff, and tenured and tenure-track faculty)
It can be hard to determine your research and writing goals in the years leading to tenure and/or promotion.  We are plagued by the eternal question (panic?) of “what counts.”  While FAWN cannot answer those questions for you (in general, the answers are “it depends” and “peer-reviewed”), we can put you on the path to figuring out what might count for you: whom to ask, where to find the answers, how to think about your work in light of your tenure/promotion/retention goals. Come with your current CV, your Program Standards, the MOA of your job, and most recent promotion narrative, ready to interactively negotiate these questions. Open to all members who are writing a promotion or review files: NTTPs, instructors, visiting faculty, staff, and tenured and tenure-track faculty.

Is there a workshop you'd like to propose or revisit? Contact us!


Past Workshops

Finding Relevant Scholarly Journals to Publish In
Have an idea but now sure where you would publish it? Already have an article written but haven’t found it a home? Want to get that dissertation research published in a journal or two? Take away some tips on how to find applicable, trustworthy journals in your field. FAWN can help you steer away from those predatory journals and into clear waters of quality peer-reviewed journals. Be prepared to walk away with some new options for publishing your scholarly work.

Introduction to Zotero: Collecting, Organizing, and Citing Sources
In this workshop, you will be introduced to Zotero's key features that can help you save and organize your research sources. Learn how to set up Zotero, save sources, and create a bibliography in your preferred citation style. Prior to the workshop, you will be asked to download the free Zotero app onto your computer.

Clearing the Decks
Clean out the mental and physical clutter that is preventing you from making and attaining your writing goals. Based on one of the steps in Leo Babauta’s Zen to Done, this workshop will help you define what is important, help you manage your inboxes, and get your workload to a manageable place and pace so you have space for your research and writing. This is an active workshop—the goal is for you to have a clear desk and inbox by the end of the workshop.

Setting up for Scholarship Success

You probably know exactly what you need to accomplish in terms of your scholarship this semester.  This workshop will help you get it done. This is an active workshop—the goal is for you to have a clear plan of what you will do each day to move your scholarship forward. We will help you schedule and commit to writing time, help you set up your support network, and provide advice about how to get back on the scholarship wagon should you falter.

The Calculus of ‘What Counts’?
It can be hard to determine your research and writing goals in the years leading to tenure and/or promotion.  We are plagued by the eternal question (panic?) of “what counts.”  While FAWN cannot answer those questions for you (in general, the answers are “peer-reviewed” and “it depends”), we can put you on the path to figuring out what might count for you: whom to ask, where to find the answers, how to think about your work in light of your tenure/promotion goals. Come with your current CV, your Program Standards, and most recent tenure narrative ready to interactively negotiate these questions.