Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility Collaborative
Cultural Competence as a concept was initially created as an offshoot of multiculturalism
and globalization. We typically think of cultural competence as a panacea in addressing
cross-cultural integration from the micro, mezzo and macro perspectives. In professional
practice, cultural competence proposes numerous ways of understanding society and
provides practice approaches and strategies that acknowledge and respect people from
diverse backgrounds e.g. sexual orientation, social class, race, color, ethnicity,
culture, language, immigration status, gender, marital status, age, political ideology,
religion, literacy level and physical attributes.
As we further examine Cultural Competence, we must think about positions of inequality, recognize undercurrents of power differences, and explore ways of confirming a social justice perspective within the context of difference, intersectionality and empowerment. We must also understand Cultural Competence from the viewpoint of history as well as ongoing current local, national and global disparities.
A plethora of definitions for Cultural Competence abounds in literature. Some of these are compiled here to encourage everyone to begin thinking about how these descriptions can be applied in teaching and learning.
- In relation to care, Cultural Competence requires sensitivity on the part of the health care professional to a host of differences in the person, such as culture, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status (Cuella, Brennan, Vito, & de Lion Siantz, 2008).
- Cultural competence has been defined as the capacity to function effectively as a helper in the context of cultural differences (Cross, 2007).
- Competence implies an outcome and this may lead to misunderstanding about the approach to learning about a culture and its people (Crigger, Brannigan, & Baird, 2006).
- Cultural competence is a dynamic ongoing process, and suggested that collaboration may be a better term to reflect its dynamic nature (Crigger et al, p. 16).
- Cultural competence is a “process involving the attributes of cultural awareness, knowledge, skills, encounters and desire” (Campiha-Bacote, 2002).
- Cultural competence is a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals and enables that system, agency, or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations (Cross, Bazron, Dennis & Isaacs, 1989).
- Cultural competence is defined not by a discrete endpoint but as a commitment and active engagement in a lifelong process that individuals enter into on an ongoing basis (L. Brown, personal communication, March 18., 1984).
Resources by Subject:
Social Work: Cultural Competence
The Importance of Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice
Family Group Conferences and Cultural Competence in Social Work
Being a ‘Culturally Competent’ Social Worker: Making Sense of a Murky Concept in Practice
Examining cultural competence in health care: implications for social workers
- Access to intersectionality, content to competence: deconstructing social work education diversity standards
Are We Doing Enough to Develop Cross-Cultural Competencies for Social Work?
- Rethinking 'cultural competence' in international social work
Culturally sensitive social work: promoting cultural competence
Case Study of an Ethnic Community-Based Organization in the United States
- Factors impacting perceptions of organizational cultural competence in voluntary child welfare
A Qualitative Study of BSW Students’ Cultural Competence Preparedness to Uphold Client Dignity
Perceived Levels of Cultural Competence for School Social Workers: A Follow-Up Study
Addressing our own biases: social work educators’ experiences with students with mental illnesses
Developing a Working Model of Cross-Cultural Supervision: A Competence- and Alliance-Based Framework
- Student Attitudes Toward Religious Diversity and Implications for Multicultural Competence
Social Work: Cultural Humility
Combining Multicultural Management and Diversity into One Course on Cultural Competence
Dynamic cross-cultural competencies and global leadership effectiveness
Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers
Cultural competence in the business world: a Finnish perspective
Intercultural competence in the international business arena
Cross-cultural entrepreneurial competence in identifying international business opportunities
Cultural Differences & Cultural Diversity in International Business
Cultural competence: a conceptual framework for teaching and learning
Service-Learning and Pre-Service Educators’ Cultural Competence for Teaching: An Exploratory Study
- Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction in the Urban Pre-Kindergarten Classroom
An Intervention to Improve Cultural Competence in Graduate Nursing Education
Clarifying Concepts: Cultural Humility or Cultural Competency
A Multicountry Perspective on Cultural Competence Among Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Cultural Competence of Practicing Nurses Entering an RN-BSN Program
Person first and business second: towards cultural competence in nursing and midwifery
Culture and Cultural Competence in Nursing Education and Practice: The State of the Art
Cultural Competence in Nursing Faculty: A Journey, Not a Destination
Measures of Cultural Competence in Nurses: An Integrative Review
Other Allied Health
Psychiatry Resident Training in Cultural Competence: An Educator’s Toolkit
Addressing Biases in Patient Care through the 5 R’s of Cultural Humility, A Clinician Teaching Tool
Integrating Cultural Humility into Health Care Professional Education and Training
Comparison of Teaching Methods for Cultural Humility in Physical Therapy
Methods for teaching cultural competence to physical therapy students
A Word can become a Seed: A Lesson Learned about Cultural Humility
Moving towards culturally competent health systems: Organizational and market factors
Cultural competence in occupational therapists working in early intervention therapy programs
Culture, Cultural Competency and Occupational Therapy: A Review of the Literature
Doctor-Patient Communication, Cultural Competence, and Minority Health
Patient Centeredness, Cultural Competence and Healthcare Quality
Physician Cultural Competence and Patient Ratings of the Patient-Physician Relationship