Workshops and Information

Businesswoman presenting to colleagues at a meeting


Information Sessions and Workshops

The Ombuds Officer hosts information sessions on working with the Ombuds Office as well as workshops on conflict resolution principles, theories and skills, and mediation.

Thanks to all who attended our listening series for Episode 1 of Cultivating Dignity. The Ombuds Office is pleased to announce that Episode 1 and an accompanying user guide is now generally available to faculty and staff through the Continuing Education link found on the Ombuds Office Main page.

Episode 2 is now in production and soon we will be announcing dates for a new listening series focused on the ten ways we might be tempted to violate dignity.

 Screening & Dialogue with the Ombuds Officer for Cultivating Dignity Episode 2.

  • Dates to be announced

Let's talk! Come view and have dialogue facilitated by the University Ombuds Officer around the second episode of Cultivating Dignity, the video series educating the community about what it means to honor dignity in the workplace. 

In an era of culture shift here at Stockton, learn and provide feedback on how we're doing and share with your fellow employees. Open to all employees.

 Email to register your participation. Hope to see you there!


Please be sure to check back periodically for more details about upcoming sessions and workshops! 

Note: Current Quarterly Data Report Follows Annual Report Below

Ombuds Office Most Recent Quarterly Data Report: Keeping the Community Informed!

Quarterly Data Report for Fiscal 2024/25 Q2 ending December 31, 2024

  1. Case Management

Cases and Inquiries:

                13           Total Cases Initiated

  0           Inquiry Only (inquiries outside scope of Ombuds Office or generally exploring)


Case Initiated by Classification: #

                1             Leadership (e.g., VP, Provost, Deans)

                3             Faculty  

                3             Union Staff

                7             Managerial Staff

                0             Student Staff


Visitor Interactions:

                23           Meetings

                 1            Group Facilitated Conversation

                48           Email Streams   


Case Status: *

                5             Open    

                9             Closed


*Includes Case Opened in Prior Q which remain open


Notable Consultations: I continue to work with one workgroup with longstanding legacy issues impacting current relationships among management and/or among staff.

  1. Engagement Activities

3             Introductory and Outreach Meetings (e.g., “Meet the Ombuds” sessions, introductory meetings with new leadership, etc.)

9             Partnership/Collaboration/Information Gathering Meetings and Interactions (e.g., HR, GC Office, OEOIC, Facilities, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, IT, URM, GR)

10           Projects /Consultations/CE (e.g., Quarterly Reporting, Case Research, OO Charter, Trainings and Development Consultation w/ HR, Dignity Project, University Trainings, etc.)