Universal Waste

Waste regulated in New Jersey (NJAC 7:26 - 1, 3) as Universal Waste are:

  • Batteries
  • Pesticides
  • Thermostats
  • Lamps
  • Mercury-Containing Devices
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Oil-Based Finishes

Small Quantity Generators of Universal Waste (SQGUW) if generate less than 5,000 kg of universal waste at any time in a calendar year.

Store in marked containers that do not leak.

Label and Date Container:
Example: If container stores batteries, label:
Universal Waste-Batteries or
Waste Batteries or
Used Batteries

Date when beginning storage. Can be accumulated for one year maximum before sent to recycling.

Employee Training: proper handling and emergency procedures.

Keep records of shipment for 3 years. Indicate name and address, quantity and date.